Friday, June 6, 2014

Hi There! Nice To Meet You

It was recommended that I start this blog because of the things I talked about with girlfriends in regards to my new status as single and available. Why? Because I am 38 years old, I have 3 kids, and I am still in the process of a divorce (and my lawyer let me know I am free to date!). What I want and what others want really don't match and so thus began the idea of journalizing my dating endeavors.

I am currently on and OkCupid. Online dating is perfect for me. I am not much for friends setting me up and the number of guys I meet in my regular life are next to none. I can only think of one guy who works in my building that I would really want to date (and oh em gee is he hot!). So, online dating exposes me to lots of new options. Of course you find your creepers and a few that you wonder what made them think you would be interested. Like the guy who wanted to know if the "carpets matched the drapes". I mean....really??? Do guys really think that they should ask that question?

The other great thing about online dating is that the rejection really doesn't hurt. I send a message and the guy doesn't respond? Whatever....I have probably contacted 5 different people that day. He responds with "thanks but not interested"? His loss! Yes there is an element of it being impersonal but that keeps the ego from being squished into a million tiny pieces.

So what am I looking for? Simply put, casual dating without expectations of a commitment. I don't like this idea of going out with a guy and then an expectation that I will ONLY date that guy for however long it lasts. Nope, I want a date for every free night I have if at all possible. Sex? Yea, it could happen. It might not. As long as I am enjoying the company, it's all good. And that is the thing, I want to enjoy someone's company. If there is a physical attraction that is an added plus.

But what about the question of who pays for what? Well, when I go out.....I bring cash. Sure, I'd like for the guy to pay for everything. But I will make the offer to pay my way or to pick up the tab the next time we go out. I don't really expect them to pay my way however.

So join me as this old chick wades through the world of Internet Dating when she hasn't dated in a good 20 years. It's a strange feeling but really.....quite the adventure!

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